By European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO)
A new global study reveals a pandemic of intolerable pain affecting billions, caused by over-regulation of pain medicines.

By Thomas Jefferson University
A protein that helps push a replicating cell through the cell cycle also mediates the processing and generation of mature microRNA, according to new research.

By Linköping Universitet
For patients with diabetes, it is better to eat a single large meal than several smaller meals throughout the day. This is the result of a current dietary study.

By University of Bristol
Scientists are a step closer to understanding how some of the brain's 100 billion nerve cells co-ordinate their communication.

Surviving survival 2013-12-05
By University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing
In the largest study of its kind, researchers have investigated the caregivers of 186 mothers to childhood brain tumor survivors aged 14-40 whose care needs last long into adulthood. They discovered that a complex interaction among the health of the careg

By University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
The tumor-suppessing protein PTEN is absent in many cancers, yet defects in the PTEN gene do not account for this disappearance. Researchers identified an enzyme that keep PTEN from being fed to the cell's protein-recycling mechanism.

By Suomen Akatemia (Academy of Finland)
Social activity and health correlate in old age, but less is known about what explains this association. The results of a study showed that part of the association between social activity and mortality was mediated by mobility among older men and women. O

By Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
Up until a few years ago, the common school of thought held that the mammalian heart had very little regenerative capacity. However, scientists now know that heart muscle cells constantly regenerate, albeit at a very low rate. Sca1 stem cells replace stea

By University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing
As 10,000 baby boomers reach 65 each day, the incidence of cancer is increasing, estimated to increase by 67% between 2010 and 2030, bringing attention to the nation’s response to cancer care. Cancer is diagnosed at a higher rate, accounts for m

By Salk Institute for Biological Studies
Establishing links between genes, the brain and human behavior is a central issue in cognitive neuroscience research, but studying how genes influence cognitive abilities and behavior as the brain develops from childhood to adulthood has proven difficult.

By University Health Network
A team of scientists and surgeons have discovered a promising new approach to treating colorectal cancer by disarming the gene that drives self-renewal in stem cells that are the root cause of disease, resistance to treatment and relapse. Colorectal cance

By Columbia University Medical Center
For the first time, scientists have succeeded in transforming human stem cells into functional lung and airway cells. The advance has significant potential for modeling lung disease, screening drugs, studying human lung development, and, ultimately, gener

By Mayo Clinic
The perception that doctors who are based in hospitals burn out quicker than doctors in outpatient settings is just wrong – doctor burnout happens equally, according to a new study.

By Institute of Physics
Sea coral could soon be used more extensively in bone grafting procedures thanks to new research that has refined the material's properties and made it more compatible with natural bone.

By University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences
In an unprecedented windfall for public access to health data, researchers have digitized all weekly surveillance reports for reportable diseases in the US going back 125 years. Supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the National Ins

By Boston University Medical Center
A study demonstrates a new mechanism involving a signaling protein and its receptor that may block the formation of new blood vessels and cancer growth.

By American Academy of Neurology (AAN)
Scientists may have found a new treatment that can help people with spinal cord injuries walk better.

By Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Drugs delivered by nanoparticles hold promise for targeted treatment of many diseases, including cancer. However, the particles have to be injected into patients, which has limited their usefulness so far. Now, researchers have developed a new type of nan

By Diabetologia
New research shows that pre-existing diabetes in pregnant women greatly increases the risk of death of their unborn fetus by around 4.5 times compared with pregnant women without diabetes, and also almost doubles the risk of death of infants after birth.

By Universite de Montreal
Genetic research suggests that clinicians’ understanding and treatment of a form of Cushing’s syndrome affecting both adrenal glands will be fundamentally changed, and that moreover, it might be appropriate to begin screening for the g

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